Growing Primroses in Your Midwest Woodland Garden - May 18, 2024

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May 18, 2024


How To Grow Primroses in Your Midwest Woodland Garden with Karen Schellinger

Master Gardener With Thirty Years Primrose Growing Experience

During this three-hour course you will be introduced to primroses that can be grown in your midwest woodland garden We will also discuss companion plants and an explanation of conditions needed for successfully growing primroses for years to come. Given the right care primroses can be perennial plants in our midwestern gardens. 

An informative tour will also be included, exploring the many primroses and companion plants growing in the woodland garden. Each student will also have a hands-on learning experience of planting primroses in the woodland garden. 

A demonstration will be given on how to grow primroses from seed and how to divide an existing primrose into separate plants. Finally, each student also will be able to select three primroses to take home to their own woodland garden.  

Tools Required

  • Small shovel or trowel (some will be available)

  • Gloves

Tuition: $50

Materials: $0

This class is for adults 18+

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Your Instructor

Karen Schellinger

Karen is a retired Minnesota master gardener having grown primroses for 30 years along with perennial flowers, rock gardens and vegetable gardens. She has spoken and presented on primroses and rock gardens across the midwest for the American Primrose Society, North American Rock Garden Societies, and local garden societies in central Minnesota. She has had articles published in the bulletins for both national societies, is a member of both as well as currently serving as a director for the American Primrose Society.

Karen has lived on the same land south of Avon, MN for the past 50 years, tending to her gardens including a small primrose nursery where she grows and sells Primroses to others wanting to grow their own in their woodland garden.